Buddha Bing: A Little Taste of the Far East on the West Coast

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Food trucks have been all the rage for a while now. Maybe we thought it would be a trend that would soon lose its trendiness and die out, as the rest of the fad world does. We might have even thought that food trucks would soon be not much more than a, "oh that was so 2013". Not so much the case. The food truck love has only begun to spread as the growth for food trucks in the last eight years has been on the up and up. With Los Angeles having the first recorded food truck to appear in 2008, and now having the highest amount in the country, we've decided it's official; food trucks are here to stay.  

It may be hard to stand out as a food truck now that we have so many, but when you're a truck named Buddha Bing, it's not too hard at all. Buddha Bing is a new Los Angeles food truck that offers something called Jian Bing, which literally means fried pancakes. We love hearing the stories behind places like this and this one has some history to it. The culture of Jian Bing can be traced back to the Three Kingdom Era. Legend has it that Crouching Dragon invented Jian Bing for his warriors by grinding up rice, mixing with water and cooking on any hot surface, which subsequently made the first ever "fried pancake". 

A hundred years later, the idea to take the Jian Bing to the next level came in to play when someone decided to add an egg on to one of it's sides. Sprinkled with scallions, sesame, lettuce, cilantro and crunchy crisp, the delicious Jian Bing has taken on the title as a street breakfast food staple in cities such as Beijing. After only a few months of being open, Buddha Bing has brought this popular Chinese snack to the streets of Los Angeles. 

Buddha Bing, along with Jian Bing, offers a variety of other dishes like purple rice bowls and sesame budder cold noodles. To check out more of the menu, click here. They're parked at USC on Hoover and Jefferson, Monday through Friday, from 10am - 7pm. Along with cooking tasty Chinese snacks, the founders love to listen to and make their own music. So while you're on your way to check out their truck, check out the soundtrack to their kitchen too.

Buddha Bing

USC Campus
Hoover and Jefferson

Amanda BrookeComment